Old Deer Park, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey

Surrey 23rd August 2025
led by
Henry Miller

Joint with the London Natural History Society.

Meet on the north side of the bridge crossing Twickenham Road (TQ17797531) at 11.00 (11:00-16:00). Joint LNHS and BSBI recording session. This site on the Thames Floodplain is currently being restored by the Rewilding Arcadia project and is showing promising signs of recovery. It contains naturally flooding areas as well as recently dug ephemeral ponds. In addition to general recording of wetland plants we aim to re-record the scarce grass Leersia oryzoides (Rice Cutgrass) as well as confirming the presence of Urtica dioica subsp. galeopsifolia (Fen Nettle). Other wetland plants we aim to find include Alopecurus geniculatus (Marsh Foxtail) and Myosotis secunda (Creeping Forget-me-not). Suitable for beginners and experts.
