Northern lochs of the Galloway Forest Park
Ayrshire 16th – 17th August 2025recording
We will visit less-recorded lochs and adjoining moorland in the northern part of the Galloway Forest Park, within Ayrshire, in hectad NX49. Target tetrads will be finalised nearer the time once we have numbers attending and up-to-date information on access (some car parks/forest roads may be closed for forestry operations). We hope to go to some of: Loch Bradan, L. Brecbowie, L. Goosie, Ballochling Loch, Derclach Loch and L. Finlas and maybe climb Craiglee (523 m), the highest point in hectad.
These are mostly oligotrophic lochs and the surrounding areas have wet and dry heath, blanket bog and rock habitats, with local flushes, marshes and acid grassland. Forestry track verges are often species rich! Interesting species we may see include Lobelia dortmanna (Water Lobelia), Utricularia spp. (Bladderworts), Vaccinium oxycoccus (Cranberry), Drosera anglica (Greater Sundew), Dryopteris carthusiana (Narrow Buckler-fern), Neottia cordata (Lesser Twayblade), Solidago virgaurea (Goldenrod) and Huperzia selago (Fir Clubmoss). There are also notable old records to try and refind.
The area is also in the proposed Galloway National Park, currently undergoing a consultation exercise.
Meeting: we will start each day in a forestry car park, full details will be sent to those who book. It might be possible to collect some attendants from Maybole train station and other local stations.