Minchinhampton Common, West Gloucestershire

West Gloucestershire 6th July 2025
led by
Rupert Higgins and Olga Krylova

Minchinhampton Common has extensive areas of unimproved limestone pasture, designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) supporting a rich variety of plants typical of the Cotswolds Oolite, and some remnant areas of Juniperus communis (Juniper) scrub. Species we will look for include Campanula glomerata (Clustered Bellflower), Asperula cynanchia (Squinancywort) and Polygala calcarea (Chalk Milkwort). A series of small springs on the edge of the Common Far (Black Ditch), whose flora includes Blysmus compressus (Flat Sedge) and Catabrosa aquatica (Whorl Grass), are more unusual in the context of the local area.

Meet: at 11:00 at the covered reservoir on Culver Hill (SO855012), nearest post code: GL6 9AQ. Bring food and drinks. The meeting will be finished by 16:00. Beginners welcome.
