Little Kilrannoch, Caenlochan SSSI, Glen Doll, Angus
Angus 22nd June 2025general
Joint with the Wildflower Society
This excursion will aim to visit the iconic site of Little Kilrannoch, with its ultra-mafic rocks and unique assemblage of plants including Silene suecica (Alpine catchfly), Cherleria sedoides (Cyphel), Armeria maritima (Thrift), Cochlearia micacea (Mountain Scurvygrass) and the possibly unique endemic population of Cerastium fontanum subsp. scoticum (Scottish Mouse-ear). On the way up there will be opportunities to find a good range of characteristic Scottish alpine plants and a range of unusual sedges such as Carex rariflora (Mountain Bog-sedge) and two uncommon hybrids of Carex bigelowii (Stiff Sedge). Depending on weather conditions on the day we may also explore Craig Maude, but whichever route we take the day is likely to involve some significantly challenging hill-walking over steep and boggy or rocky ground.
Meeting: 10:30 at the Glen Doll Car park (NO283761). Note that coin payment is required; there are toilets and a visitor centre.