Hothfield Heathlands
East Kent 22nd June 2019recording
An opportunity to join members of the Kent Botanical Recording Group in updating records for this important Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT) reserve which contains Kent’s last four valley bogs, an extensive area of fen and one of its few remaining areas of open heath. Many of the species, such as Drosera rotundifolia (Round-leaved Sundew), Juncus squarrosus (Heath Rush) and Narthecium ossifragum (Bog Asphodel), though common and widespread throughout much of UK, are extremely rare in Kent as are many of the 17 Carex (Sedge) species listed from the Reserve; and we will be seeing a good population of the nationally endangered Ranunculus tripartitus (Three-lobed Water-crowfoot).
Meet at 10.00 am in Hothfield KWT Reserve car park, east side of Cades Road at TQ 972 458.