Glen Douglas

Dunbartonshire 2nd July 2022
led by
Michael Philip

The moorland between Glen Douglas and Arrochar has received insufficient attention from botanists in recent years. This meeting aims to rectify the situation and will search for a number of interesting old records including Asplenium viride (Green Spleenwort), Juncus triglumis (Three-flowered Rush), Polystichum lonchitis (Holly-fern), Saxifraga stellaris (Starry Saxifrage) and Tofieldia pusilla (Scottish Asphodel). Hoping that participants will include at least one experienced recorder willing and able to lead a sub-party, there will be options to follow either a low-level route, keeping to an excellent track, or a higher-level route, involving rough walking on open hillside (with a maximum of around 300m of ascent). Come prepared for a day in the hills.
