
Fife & Kinross 7th – 9th June 2019
led by
Jim McIntosh & Sandy Edwards

This long weekend meeting (starting on Friday morning) aims to help the Recorder improve Atlas 2020 coverage in Fife, which is a moderately big county.  We will be based near Dunfermline, which is a conveniently central base – especially for the under-recorded areas around the town and towards the western county boundary. This area of Fife has surprisingly rich and varied habitats – with coastal habitats, lowland raised bogs, many lochs, woodland, farmland and moorland rising up to 400m in the Cleish Hills. So, many interesting habitats to explore! We shall be looking out for Filago minima (Small Cudweed), Pyrola minor (Common Wintergreen), Sedum villosum (Hairy Stonecrop) and Meum athamanticum (Spignel). Booking is essential.

Participants are welcome to come along on one, two or all of the days.

Further information and online booking.
