Annual Summer Meeting, Melrose, Roxburghshire
Roxburghshire 4th – 7th August 2025recording general training beginners
This year’s Annual Summer Meeting will be held in the Scottish Borders town of Melrose, a small attractive town which is well-placed for visiting an exciting range of varied botanical sites. Of special interest are the numerous basin mire fens, many of which are calcareous, which together form the largest concentration of this botanically rich habitat in the UK. Several nationally rare and scarce plant species occur including Hierochloe odorata (Holy Grass), Calamagrostis stricta (Narrow Small-reed), Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid), Potamogeton coloratus (Fen Pond-weed) and Carex approproquintata (Fibrous Tussock-sedge). Also of note are several marl lochs with a diverse range of Potamogeton species and charophytes. Field trips may also be arranged to some special coastal sites and mountain sites within an hour’s drive in the neighbouring counties.
There will be field excursions on Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning to suit a range of interests, along with evening talks and workshops.
Further information and booking will be made available on the ASM page on the website. Please register before 30th June. Our base for the meeting will be the George & Abbotsford Hotel in Melrose (rooms from £70 per night), with additional rooms available at the Kings Arms (rooms £150 per night). Please book accommodation with the hotel directly via phone or email (mentioning the BSBI ASM) before 30th June (we recommend securing your accommodation before registering for the ASM). There are also lots of alternative places to stay locally if you prefer.