We are holding a series of launches, online and across Britain and Ireland, throughout March to celebrate BSBI's Plant Atlas 2020 project, which goes live on 8th March and to which so many BSBI members have contributed. Below you will find brief details of each of the seven launches.
The launches are aimed primarily at policy-makers and media, and offer a chance to tell them about this third plant distribution atlas, highlighting its importance as a resource for research and for nature conservation going forwards, and acknowledging the hard work of the thousands of our expert recorders who made it possible.
Online launch
Our online launch will be held via Zoom from 3pm to 4pm on Wednesday 8th March; registration links have been sent to selected policy-makers, journalists, funders and key contributors.
The programme includes short presentations from Kevin Walker (BSBI Head of Science and Plant Atlas 2020 co-author); Julia Hanmer (BSBI Chief Executive), who will outline what the Atlas means for plants, policy and people; and both Lynne Farrell (BSBI President 2019-2022) and Micheline Sheehy Skeffington (current BSBI President). There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
England launch: Cambridge
The Plant Atlas: Cambridge launch will be held at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, running from 11.30am to 5.10pm on Saturday 18th March.
Speakers will include Dr Kevin Walker (BSBI Head of Science and Plant Atlas 2020 co-author); Dr Chris Preston (UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and a co-author of our second plant distribution atlas in 2002; and Mags Cousins (Natural England).
England launch: Newcastle
The Plant Atlas: Newcastle launch will be held at the Great North Museum, Newcastle, running from 2pm to 4.30pm on Saturday 18th March.
Speakers include Dr Kevin Walker (BSBI Head of Science and Plant Atlas 2020 co-author); a speaker from Natural England; Chris Metherell (BSBI President 2017-2019 and BSBI joint County Recorder for North Northumberland).
Northern Ireland launch
The Plant Atlas: Northern Ireland launch will be held at the National Museum Northern Ireland, Cultra Manor, Holywood. It will run from 11am to 12 noon on Wednesday, 15th March.
Speakers include BSBI President Dr Micheline Sheehy Skeffington and one of the Plant Atlas 2020 co-authors.
Republic of Ireland launch
The Plant Atlas: Ireland launch will be held at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, running from 2pm to 3.30pm on Thursday 9th March.
Speakers include BSBI President Dr Micheline Sheehy Skeffington and one of the Plant Atlas 2020 co-authors.
Scotland launch
The Plant Atlas: Scotland launch will be held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (RBGE), running from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Thursday 9th March.
Speakers include Prof Pete Hollingsworth (RBGE Director of Science and a BSBI trustee); Dr Kevin Walker (BSBI Head of Science and Plant Atlas 2020 co-author); and Matt Harding (BSBI Scotland Officer).
Wales launch
The Plant Atlas: Wales launch will be held at the National Botanic Gardens, Wales, running from 10.30am to 12 noon on Friday, 10th March.
The programme will include short presentations from one of the Plant Atlas 2020 co-authors and from Wales-based botanist Dr Trevor Dines who co-authored our second plant distribution atlas in 2002.
Registering for a launch
To enquire about attending one of our launch events, please email plantatlas2020@bsbi.org.